While in
the process of writing a novel about my father’s life, I often wondered how he
became an alcoholic. Although, alcohol
is an addictive substance, people react differently to it. Some people do not become addicted. However, that doesn’t mean there is no risk
of addiction associated with it. The
answer is that some people have addictive personalities, which make them more
susceptible to addiction.
My father
was born out of wedlock during an era in time where this was considered a great
shame. He was not acknowledged by his
paternal side of the family. And I
believe the root of his alcoholism came from carrying that burden of shame his
whole life. I’m sure he felt unwanted
and undeserving.
He most
likely turned to alcohol at an early age to deal with the troubles in his daily
life. This, in turn, negatively impacted
his personal relationships and family life.
I used to get so mad at him for being a drunk. But I now have a better understanding. All I can do now is work hard to break the
cycle of generational addiction that still plagues my family.
Hi, I’m
Liz Hawkins and I’m a recovering Adult Child of an Alcoholic.
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