Thursday, February 18, 2016

Prayer and Mediation to Stay on Track

Step eleven in ACOA is to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understand God.  Some adult children pray for wholeness during meditation, asking their Higher Power for clarity.  I try to begin and end each day with mediation, prayer, and encouraging positive messages.  I’m continuing to keep resolutions I made to myself in 2015 of giving up people pleasing and negative people.  However, since old habits die hard, I find that I have to keep up my daily prayer and meditation ritual to stay on track.

As an ACOA, I have the tendency to want to be all things to all people; the go-to person; the one you can depend on, and one that can resolve any problem.  The problem with that is that it’s exhausting.  An even bigger problem is when I began to push back from those who attempt to drain me of my money, knowledge, talent and time their reaction is surprising.  They became angry with me and accused me of not being a good friend. 

When this happened, I felt hurt and betrayed; even used.  So I discontinued my relationship with these people.  Now I feel liberated.  My writing coach explained that these people are frogs; sitting around on their lily pads all day croaking (complaining).  I am a swan, and I need to be with other swans so that I can learn how to spread my wings and begin to soar.  My daily prayer is getting me closer reaching new heights.

Hi, I’m Liz Hawkins and I’m an Adult Child of an Alcoholic.

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